Let weekend was a BLAST! I was able to getaway with Ainsley down to Indianapolis to see family and have some adventures. The children's museum was off the rails for Ainsley, and we took it all in.
Guess what? I ran around, walked up thousands of steps, even danced(still got it) with Lil Red. At one point it got a little emotional to start returning to activity that I sorely missed. It proves that little by little diet, excercise, and physical rehab are really the ticket to moving again. There is no magic shot or pill for me, only putting in the effort with my team at the CENTER.
Chris Nawrocki, the man with my plan and I were talking in general: March is kind of, well you know-blah. I miss people having fun. So I thought I would invite all of you to stop by and meet some of my other friends. You know cool people like us! Chefs, artists, and a whole spectrum of talented individuals to hang out with and share a little bit about their passion. I mean, we certainly have a case of the Mondays at Jose's. I mean who looks forward to going out on a Monday? So why don't we start getting together and having fun?
We are! Starting next MONDAY 2/28/22! 4:30 to 6 we are going to have some fun! Laurel Deruda, an amazing chef is going to demo how she makes the perfect cabbage roll or Golumpki if you speak polish! Jose's will provide great drinks and appetizers for 1/2 off! We are going to jazz up our Polish plate for special to-go pricing too, so you can feed the family after. No need for reservations, no need to get legal or accounting involved, lets just get together, have some community, a drink, a snack, and maybe even learn something!
Oh and the next time I get emotional about my health it better be with Wendi making me lift more!